As of September 2020, Google had updated the image search process. See updated video here.
In our latest video, Graphic Designer and Photographer, Charity, shares some tips to help you search for images that can be used in your marketing, as well as suggests great places to get free-to-use stock photos. These are image standards every business should be using; you don’t want to be the one who receives a letter asking for you to pay top dollar for an image you inadvertently stole or be the business that consistently uses watermarked images on social media.
Using royalty free images is so important to the integrity of your brand. But most likely, if you did use an image that was owned by someone else, it was pure accident. Following our tips will help you take that extra step in protecting your reputation as well as paying the proper artists who create photos and images for a living.
And bonus! There are a number of resources out there where you can find FREE images as well as places you can purchase images that can legally be used for you or your business. You can find some of them below: is a completely free resource for you to use. The images and videos are licensed to be use personally or for your business completely free to you. is another free resource that has free to use images, illustrations and much more. These items are all licensed to be used personally or for your business completely free to you. is a stock image site where you can purchase images, graphics, illustrations to be used personally or for your business. The nice thing about purchasing these images is that, by paying for the image you can use it on any platform you may need; website, print, social media and much more.
Unique is Better
Although Google Image Search is helpful and easy to use, it just might not be the best place for you to find photos for your business. If you need an image to go with a social media post, try taking it yourself. Use your actual product images, your actual food images and your actual employees’ photos (with their permission, of course). And professional photos are worth their weight in gold. Schedule a product shoot every so often, so you have a good rotation of quality images that you know you own.
We’re here to help! Green T Design offers Photography, Video and Graphic Design Services that will help you take your marketing to the next level. Contact us to discuss your next project, today.
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