As a busy marketer, you’re probably always looking for content ideas for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and social media in general. You might even get a little overwhelmed trying to plan for Reels, Stories, Ads, Live Videos… the list goes on, right!?
We often hear comments like:
“My boss asked me to start posting on Instagram and I don’t know where to start.”
“I feel like I keep posting the same things on Facebook.”
“I don’t get any engagement on my LinkedIn posts.”
Do you feel like you can relate? That’s where our social media tips and free quarterly content calendar come in. We understand your struggles because we’re wading through social media marketing right along with you. Changes, updates, algorithms and all! Luckily, we’re able to take the time to do the research for you, while letting you in on all the secrets we learn along the way.
To make the process incredibly easy, we’ve created a calendar packed full of ideas for you to use to market your business on social media that you can download and use at your leisure. And the best part is that the ideas can carry over to your blogs as well as your email marketing.
So, as long as you can switch to your business page (and if not, we’ve got helpful tips on that here) you can steal all of the ideas from our content calendar and use them to manage your social media content.
Remember, social media marketing can be narrowed down into a few simple steps:
- Plan ahead.
- Be personable.
- Focus on what your audience wants to hear.
Use our content ideas to round out your next 3 months of posts and BOOM. You’re ready to go!
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